Operational Risk Supervision
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) identifies operational risk as one of the most significant risks facing the banking industry today. Operational risk is the broadest component of OCC’s supervisory framework, covering the risk of loss from information system failures and business disruptions, human error and fraud, business process and product design defects, and legal challenges. Although the OCC has emphasized sound operations and internal controls throughout its supervisory history, the catastrophic failure of certain international banking firms in the 1990s ushered in a new era when the industry and OCC began approaching operational risk as a standalone risk discipline.
The broad scope of operational risk provides a wide range of career opportunities for examiners. Coverage responsibilities include:
- Operational risk management concerns including bank operations and processes, management information systems, payment systems risk management, fraud risk management, internal controls, financial reporting, physical security, insurance and insurable risk, and other bank operations.
- Operational risk measurement including Basel advanced approaches, Dodd-Frank Act stress testing, operational loss data processes, scenario analysis, and business environment and internal control factors.
- Enterprise risk management including risk appetite setting, new products processes, risk reporting, internal and external audit, and litigation risk management.
If you have skills in any of these areas, with a proven ability to identify and resolve problems, you should consider a career in operational risk supervision with the OCC.
Opportunity: Operational Risk Bank Examiner
The OCC provides opportunities for operational risk specialists in the Large Bank Supervision Department, the Midsize and Community Bank Supervision Department, and at OCC Headquarters in the Bank Supervision Policy Department. Each of these opportunities requires a different level of expertise and specialization within the operational risk spectrum. Large banks supervised by the OCC generally have assets of $50 billion to $3 trillion, with on-site examination teams in cities across the country. The OCC supervises midsize and community banks with assets up to $50 billion from examination teams located in field offices across the country. The Bank Supervision Policy Department develops and issues guidance and supervisory policies to address sound practices and emerging risks, as well as compliance with applicable laws and regulations. This department collaborates with the other federal banking agencies to develop consistent examination procedures and supervisory approaches.
Whether you are actively seeking a career change, or are content with your current position, you owe it to yourself to discover whether a career in operational risk supervision is right for you.